PeRsonal Training

Experience personal training with a caring touch

Experience personal training with a caring touch

Meet Britt Mcnabb

Combining my psychotherapy education, with my certification in Personal Training – my training philosophy centers acknowledging the huge mental component that is attached to changing our habits & our relationship to fitness.


I am dedicated to meeting people where they are at, and creating a personalised plan that is suited to them and their lifestyle

I guide and empower my clients toward holistic strength – physical, mental and emotional. I don’t believe in positioning myself so that you feel you need me to accomplish your goals. I want to support you to rewire your daily habits & take back your own power, so that you can take away a lifelong love for movement, that transcends our time together and ripples into all areas of your life.

Strong girl summer

Strong girl summer

Building STRENGTH and community through Movement

“Britt is an exceptionally warm-hearted person, who you can’t help but want to be around. Her dedication to continous learning means she’s open-minded and acutely aware of the human body and behaviour. britt is genuine, fun and cares about people deeply”



“My training experience with britt has been nothing short of transformative ”


“britt has a really unique way of being with people, of really seeing them. The way she approaches her work is very heart-centered”

work w britt

  • I work with people across a range of tiers, from PT-only, to full care packages which include:

    2 x Weekly Personal Training Sessions (options to add more)

    High Support

    Nutrition framework + recipes + personal assessment of your favourite meals to source lower-cal alternatives

    Personalised programming for non-training days

    Bring friends for free!

    You in? Schedule a call and we can chat about this package more to see if it’s a fit (pssst I’m not into pressure, I’ll simply answer any questions you may have and give you the space to make a decision if this is for you)

  • I work with people in 12-week blocks (see FAQ’s) which include:

    Personalised programming delivered online via my app

    Unlimited daily support

    Nutrition framework + recipes + personal assessment of your favourite meals to source lower-cal alternatives

    Expert guest content to build your mindset, confidence and knowledge

    You in? Schedule a call and we can chat about this package more to see if it’s a fit (pssst I’m not into pressure, I’ll simply answer any questions you may have and give you the space to make a decision if this is for you).

  • I operate 2 days a week out of a private gym space in Coatesville, Auckland. It is kitted out with a wide range of equipment that allows us to program you the same way we would in a commercial gym, but in a private space, that we can make our own. You can see the gym on my instagram.


  • At the end of the day, anybody can write a program and take you through a session. Success in personal training is always in the connection and relationship you have with your chosen trainer.

    No trainer is the right fit for everyone, but I would say i'm a great fit for those who feel defeated in their efforts, find it very difficult to change habits or need a high-level of encouragement and support throughout the journey.

    I’m also a good fit if you care about who you become along the journey. Weight-loss journeys have the potential to take a turn into unhealthy and toxic territory….fast. I want your results to be sustainable, and I want you to be proud of the person you become in the process.

  • I have been training personally for over 10 years, but I recently underwent a journey that reconnected me to how powerful movement can be in changing our relationship with discomfort. Shifting 35kg was the least of my accomplishments during this journey, I have a newfound strength that has spilled over into all areas of my life. The kind of strength that I earned session by session, and that nobody can take from me. I really want to share that feeling with you.

  • I’m a deeply compassionate person, and my primary mission is supporting women and mother’s back home to themselves.

    My psychotherapy study offers me a unique lens for really seeing people and uncovering what beliefs and patterns are holding them back. I would say my approach is very much relationship-focused, I think this is the hallmark of a successful trainer. Our 60 minute sessions are only a small portion of our work together, I would rather you think of me as someone in your corner through all those difficult moments when you might have given up in the past.

    What sets me apart from many personal trainers is my solid grasp of the science behind self-sabotage and sustainable behavior change. I do not endorse using shame as a catalyst for transformation because it isn't a lasting solution. My aim is to assist you in reaching your goals, but more importantly, I genuinely care about the person you become along the way. I want you to feel a sense of accomplishment, genuine well-being, and connection to yourself when you get there. I want you to feel strong, in a way nobody can take from you, because you kept showing up, and did the damn thing.

  • Yes, I work with a 12-week minimum commitment, mainly because I know it takes times to rewire habits and feel the accomplishment and intrinsic reward of results. The frequency and structure of your training will depend on your individual goals and schedule. I'm not cookie cutting a prescription, and urge you to tread carefully with anybody who is.

    My goal during our time together is to empower you with the knowledge of the training and nutrition principles to feel confident enough to carry these into your own training. Of course, if you love our time together I have options to continue with weekly support and sessions, but my intention isn’t to be your expert, it’s for you to step into your own power and have this knowledge for life!

  • I’m selective about who I work with because I am deeply committed to my client’s success. For this reason I prioritize women, as I feel my skillset is best matched to support women’s unique journey toward health in our culture.

    I predominantly work with women who have struggled with their relationship to exercise, feel intimidated by the gym, feel like they’ve ‘tried it all’ and mothers who are adapting to significant changes to life post-partum.

  • I get it! The gym is daunting, especially if you feel a bit lost in your direction. This is why I chose to operate from a gym with a dedicated women’s space, and many discreet corners.

    My job is to support you to feel comfortable and confident during our time together. It’s important that during our time together you feel safe enough to be yourself with me. What is shared within our training relationship is confidential, you can tell me exactly what feels anxiety-provoking or creates resistance for you, and i'm here to help you through those challenges by walking beside you every step of the way.

  • My primary focus in my personal training business is using my unique skillset to create a positive impact and assist individuals who can gain from my distinctive exercise approach. Ensuring accessibility has been a fundamental aspect of my mission. I've established a tiered offering with options at different levels.

    I also welcome one client per block at a 75% discount (I believe you need some level of investment to generate commitment). This spot is reserved for those who are truly unable to access my programmes with their current financial means, but would benefit greatly. I appreciate nominations for this position via my website form with a small piece of information about why you suggest this person, and in what ways you see this programme supporting them.

  • I work closely with a handful of Auckland based trainers that I respect for their work within different niches. If I don’t believe i’m the best fit to help you reach your goals, I will introduce you to someone who i think is better suited to your journey.

My Packages…

One-off Strategy session


1 hour

30 min exploratory coffee + Chat to identify where you’re stuck

15 min movement assessment

30 min PT SEssion

Follow-up Email with personalised workout + self-action plan


Online // Full care package



Per Week

2 x 30 min Pt Session (full care)

Daily Support

Full app access


nutrition support

PT Only

$65 +

30 min | 45 min opt

Personal training sessions only

Les Mills or

Coatesville Private

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Let's do this

Let's do this